How to Get Root Path in Laravel Application?

Jul 03, 2024 | Laravel 10 Laravel 11 Laravel

Hello Dev,

In laravel, you have got helpers that make it clean to find out important listing paths like public, app, garage, and the lowest listing. These helpers are vital for obligations which includes record garage, gaining access to particular files, and similarly, across unique parts of your software like controllers, perspectives, and models.

Here’s how you may use those helpers to get the paths you need:

1. Public listing route:

laravel gives you a characteristic to find out your public list. ⁤⁤this folder normally houses your public-coping with stuff like css, javascript, and pics. ⁤

2. App listing route:

every different helper function offers you the direction to the app listing. This listing carries your software program software's middle documents and folders, inclusive of controllers, models, and services.

3. Storage directory course:

laravel additionally provides a helper function mainly for the storage list. This list is vital for storing documents that are not immediately on hand to the general public, which include individual uploads or cached statistics.

4. Base directory route:

eventually, there may be a helper feature to fetch the lowest listing path of your laravel utility. This is the region to start for locating fantastic directories and files internal your software program shape.

Those helper features simplify management tasks, making it easy to navigate and manipulate files from various elements of your laravel software program, no longer having to manually gather paths on every time.

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public_path(); // /var/www/example-app/public
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base_path(); // /var/www/example-app
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storage_path(); // /var/www/example-app/storage
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app_path(); // /var/www/example-app/app

Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification!

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#Laravel 10
#Laravel 11

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